CodeWalker Home


CodeWalker mentors talented software engineers from non-traditional backgrounds. Working together, we build software for clients across the USA.


CodeWalker Clients

Our clients are startups, nonprofits and small businesses that have a software project and share our passion for advancing inclusion in the tech economy. Let’s work together.


CodeWalker Clients

Our clients are startups, nonprofits and small businesses that have a software project and share our passion for advancing inclusion in the tech economy. Let’s work together.

We build custom web solutions

Codewalker builds apps that automate Twitter posts and manage Facebook ad campaigns, we create WordPress plugins that do wonders with Salesforce and Action Network data, and we also add features to existing custom applications.

Modern SW Development
Docker, Kubernetes, Redux

PHP, Apache, Plugins, Themes, Migrations, API Integrations

GWT, Swing, Hibernate, Eclipse IDE, Spring

Django, Flask

User Interface / Frontend
Materialize, CoffeeScript, Sass, Bootstrap, jQuery, HTML5 / CSS3

AngularJS, React.js, Node.js, Backbone.js, Express.js, Ember.js, Ext JS

Database Optimization
MySQL, MongoDB, Postgres, GraphQL

Swift, Android, React Native, Twilio, Nexmo, Plivo

DevOps Agility
AWS, Google Cloud Services, Git, Subversion, Bitbucket, Selenium, Jenkins, Splunk, Docker, New Relic

Supercharge your internship program

We help you start your own internship program in-house. Many of the most prominent tech companies such as Microsoft, Twitter and Pinterest have their own apprenticeship programs. Starting your own can be a daunting task. That is where we come in. We can guide your team to build a process that works for you. We can source, train and onboard candidates for you so you can focus on doing your job.
We’ve learned the best ways to run a successful apprenticeship program and we are ready to share that knowledge with you.


Our Mission

Terms like underrepresented or underserved indicate deficits.

We aim to empower, creating prosperity in untapped communities through technology education.


The Institute
Training & Mentorship for Software Engineers

Are you searching for a supportive, inclusive pathway into a job in tech, and ready to learn new frameworks and tools? The CodeWalker Institute could be the program (and community) you’ve been looking for.

The Institute is for people who have completed bootcamps and other non-traditional forms of software development education and are ready to start gaining experience.


Let's Build Something New


“I couldn’t sit on the sidelines and hope things would change. I had to take action…”

-Zeke Swepson. Founder, CodeWalker Institute


Recent Projects


Can CodeWalker help us empower millions of voters?

Demand Progress is a nonprofit that mobilizes online communities around issues like human rights, social justice and net neutrality. With over 2.5 million members, the organization influences lawmakers in Washington and works at the center of democracy in the digital age.

The Challenge
Demand Progress needed to reach millions of voters and help them engage their congressional representatives on Twitter. They asked CodeWalker to build an app to enable users who signed a petition to also tweet @ reps and let their opinion known.

Our Solution
Alejandro led the development of a Django app that streamlined the process of sending tweets at specific stakeholders, and integrated it with Congress' social media info so that users could @ their representatives simply by entering their zip code.

"CodeWalker is great - the TweetSwarm app helps us reach millions of American voters on Twitter."                                    - Mark Stanley, Director of Communications and Operations


Facebook advertising for social good is a cultural education and advocacy organization championing social issues like poverty, voting rights and racial justice. Through online campaigns, local meetups and community organizing, has advanced equity in America since 1998.

The Challenge wanted to track the performance of their Facebook video ads with different headlines and content. They needed a tool that would automatically generate large sets of ad variants and reach the largest audience.

Our Solution
CodeWalker engineer Miles T. built an interface using Ruby on Rails and React Redux that allowed staff to upload videos to Facebook’s ad platform and generate dozens of ad-variants. The tool also allowed them to manage settings for the various campaigns, and made tracking performance a breeze.

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